Desktop Update 1.7: Improved discovery, notifications, and more

3 min read
Jessica Navarro
March 6th, 2016

We have a new update for the Airtame app (that nifty software that sits on your computer) and it includes some great improvements.We’re constantly working to make the user experience as simple and smooth as possible. The last 1.6 update focused on stability.

This 1.7 update continues on that track to keep improving the foundation before we move on to begin adding new features.


The 1.7 widget update includes some different bug fixes and improvements that will greatly improve the ease of use. The more noteworthy improvements we’re proud to share are:

  • Improved Discovery feature
  • Added a “Device Busy” message
  • Fixed a “Cannot Connect” bug
  • Improved search field
  • Fixed Windows bug causing crashing
  • Fixed bugs on Linux

The 1.7 release for the desktop application improves our discovery functionality, which has been an ongoing process for a while. We’re excited about this release, because we know it will make a lot of our users happy.

Attila Sukosd, Airtame CTO

Improved Discovery feature

Discovery is when the Airtame software finds (or “discovers”) the available Airtame devices connected to your WiFi network. We made a lot of improvements to this and fixed several bugs related to this process.

Connect to IP to Discovery

If the widget discovers a device after you have connected to it with its IP address, it will automatically merge the new device with the IP. This will make your user experience much more consistent and organized.

Changing a network

Changing a network is now detected by the Airtame software. This is a bug fix that will now allow your list of available devices to refresh.

Windows bug fixed

There was a bigger Windows bug that was not discovering devices. This is now fixed and your Airtame devices should show up nicely in your app.

Note: If you’re interested in reading a bit more about the technology behind Discovery and how to enable/disable it, check out our help page on Discovering Airtame in Your Organization.

General Fixes

Device busy message

If you try to connect to an Airtame device that is already in use, you will now receive a “Device busy” message.

Previously, you would receive no indication if you tried connecting to a device that was being used by another person. This added feature will make Airtame even easier to use in a multiple user workplace.

Fixed a cannot connect bug

There was a bug that was not allowing some people to connect to Airtame devices. There should no longer be any problems connecting to a device that appears on the widget’s list of available devices.

Try again button fixed

When you use the search field in the widget to try and connect with an Airtame’s IP address and it fails to find a device, there is a “Try Again” button that shows to the right side of the search field. In some cases, this button didn’t work, but now there should be no problems.

Fixed Windows bug causing crashing

There was a bug on Windows that was causing the widget to crash at startup. The widget would crash if the app icon was clicked repeatedly 3 or more times. This is now resolved.

Fixed bugs on Linux

Several fixes and changes were made for Linux users. For example, the application was renamed from electron to airtame-application. In addition, a bug that was crashing the widget because of Discovery was fixed.

Go update your app

Now that you’re caught up on the changes included in this new desktop update, go update your software!

When a software update is available, the widget shows a green alert banner that asks you to restart the application.

Update the Airtame computer software.

Not sure what version you’re running? Check here.

IMPORTANT: If you experience any problems related to this update, please go to our website and download the latest version of our software and install it. This will replace your old version and fix any issues caused from the update.

If you are still experiencing problems, please fill out a form on support.

Interested? Let’s talk.

Jessica Navarro
All product, all the time. As Product Communications Manager, Jessica takes complicated product stuff and makes it easy to read stuff. When she isn't writing and editing for Airtame, she's on the hunt for the best Mexican food in Denmark.
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